Energy (in the form of energy points, or EP, symbol: ) allows you to do various actions, such as clearing natural resources, planting crops, crafting some items in buildings, and other things.
Your energy points are displayed in a bar at the top of the screen. The bar fills up on its own with time up to the current maximum natural energy points limit; the natural limit is raised slowly as you gain levels, starting at 15 EP and gaining one additional EP about every five levels. The natural limit can be exceeded temporarily by strategically eating Energy Food items or being rewarded energy through various means, all of which will pile onto the EP currently in your energy bar disregarding the natural limit.
By eating Energy Food items you can gain energy quickly without waiting, as well as extend your energy bar above the natural limit, by eating an enery item while still having at least one energy point fewer than your limit. (Example: If you have a limit of 19, and your energy bar is 18/19, eating a +5 item will bring the bar up to 23/19.) Some quests also reward energy points, as does gaining a level, and digging up energy at your neighbors' stations, all of which will be added on top of your current EP.
Clearing natural resouce objects and picking up expedition finds requires you to have either a EP bar limit or a temporarily enlargened energy bar equal or larger to the object, to be able to break it down or pick up the find. (Example: Having an energy bar of e.g. 10/25 or 25/19 allows you to take on a 25pcs resource object or pick up a 25kg expedition find.) Note that larger and longer comboclicks will give you larger expedition finds, containing more rewards while also being heavier.
Digging up Energy at a Neighbor's Station[]
Digging at a neighbor's station can yield energy. Good sources for energy are:
- unbuilt Bridge to the South, Rockfall, Abandoned mine
- Fountain for Coins and Fountain for Emeralds
- benches
- etc
- see also Energy Food (Items)